Coveting & Comparing

How Can I Help My Children Not Covet What Their Friends Have? Exodus 20:17 (Jay - Birmingham, Alabama)

The definition of covet is to “yearn to possess or have something” according to Jay speaks on how he handled coveting with his kids as they got older. Jay focused on being self-assured in Christ and not trying to keep up with the Joneses. Jay’s video sheds wisdom on how to lovingly explain to your kids that what you see is not always the reality of the situation.

How Do I Help My Kids Focus On Living Their Life And Not Trying To Compare Themselves With Others Around Them? Philippines 2:5-8 And Hebrews 12:1 (Kipp - Birmingham, Alabama)

In this video, Kipp discusses the importance of teaching children to run their individual race to which God has called them – Hebrews 12:1 . By “putting on blinders,” we are less distracted by others and can focus on pursuing our individual best. Comparison has been referred to as the thief of joy, and we certainly want to help our children
remove anything that may steal their joy. We want them to be filled with the joy of the Lord every day!

How Can I Encourage My Children In Finding Their Gifts? Philippines 2:5-8 (Kipp - Birmingham, Alabama)

Not Comparing 

This video speaks to the importance of encouraging our kids to find their personal gifts and then strengthen these gifts. This will cut down on the comparison trap that so easily ensnares. They can then focus alone on their talents and be true to the calling that God has placed on their lives (Philippines 2:5-8)