How To Help Both Children and Parents Overcome Fear & Anxiety

How Can I Handle The Fear Of Having A Child With Special Needs? Psalm 139:16-18 (Kelly - Birmingham, Alabama)

Kelly explains how when receiving what seemed at the first reaction to being a burden to bear for her newborn son, herself and family, in time God revealed to her that He equipped her to handle this. His will was perfect. As Kelly was struggling to understand how to praise God in this situation, she began to insert her name in Psalm 139:13-16. God allowed His truth to resonate in her spirit, and it ultimately made her a stronger and wiser mother.

RESOURCE:  (John Pipper)




How Can I Help My Child Not Be So Anxious About Comparing Their Lives To Others Around Them? Philippines 2:5-8 And Hebrews 12:1 (Kipp - Birmingham, Alabama)

In this video, Kipp discusses the importance of teaching children to run their individual race to which God has called them – Hebrews 12:1 . By “putting on blinders,” we are less distracted by others and can focus on pursuing our individual best. Comparison has been referred to as the thief of joy, and we certainly want to help our children
remove anything that may steal their joy. We want them to be filled with the joy of the Lord every day!

My Child Really Struggles With Anxiety. How Can I Handle This With Them? (Great Question-Will Someone Submit Their Story? )

How To Talk To Your Children About The Coronavirus? Matthew, 4:24, Luke 13:1-5, Ephesians 1:11 (John Piper)


Audio Transcript Of With Dr. John Piper

Welcome back to the podcast. This is another special episode related to current events. We don’t plan to dedicate a lot of episodes to the coronavirus pandemic, but we will today, specifically speaking to youth. Pastor John is with me from his home office.

Just a few weeks back, I spoke to a youth group in Frisco, Texas — a hundred or so students packed together in a little room to talk about smartphones and social media habits. It was a great time. But I started by asking how many of them knew what Ask Pastor John was. And I think every hand went up. It was shocking. I wasn’t expecting it. So, I think a lot of kids and youth listen to this podcast, and I suspect that’s because so many parents listen to episodes in car rides around town. So, let’s talk directly to those youth. You have fourteen grandkids. Become Grandfather John for a moment. What do you want to say to them in this season about God and coronavirus?

I’m 74 years old. That means I’m old enough to be your granddad and maybe your great granddad. My name is John Piper. You can call me Pastor John. I want to talk to you for a few minutes about the coronavirus — that sickness that is changing how people live all over the world. And I want to talk about God, I want to talk about Jesus, and about you. What does the coronavirus have to do with you and God and Jesus? So, I hope you’ll listen for just a few minutes.

Coronavirus Is Not in Command

What makes the coronavirus so unusual and so dangerous is that you can catch it as a sickness by just being around people who have it, and you can’t tell when they have it. And that makes it really dangerous, which is why everybody is staying inside these days, trying to stop the virus. And it’s dangerous because it is ten times more serious than the ordinary flu. And the reason our leaders, like the governors and the President of the United States, are so concerned is because maybe one or two or three people out of every hundred who get this sickness will die from it.

Now, that may not sound like a lot: one or two out of every hundred. But if in my town, for example — Minneapolis — a hundred thousand people (which is not unlikely) got sick with this, that means one, two, or even three thousand are going to die of it. So, when you think of it that way, a lot of people who weren’t planning to die that quick are now going to die, if it spreads that much.

Now, the Bible is God’s very word. And the Bible teaches that God is stronger than the coronavirus. I hope you believe that. We know this because Matthew 4:24 says, “They brought [Jesus] all the sick, those afflicted with various diseases and pains . . . and he healed them.” Jesus is more powerful than diseases — every one of them. In fact, over and over again, the Bible tells us that God commands the wind, rain, snow, lightning, plants, grass, grasshoppers, flies, frogs, gnats, worms, whales, birds, and everything else. He commands them where to go, what to do, and they do what he says. They have to; he’s God. They do what he says. God made the whole world and everything in it, and he holds the world in his hand, and he does what he wants to do with the world and in the world.

You can see that again in Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, where he says that God “works all things” — that includes the coronavirus — “according to the counsel of his will” (Ephesians 1:11). That means nobody is over God telling God what to do. He’s the highest. He’s the strongest decision-maker in the world. Nobody makes God do what he doesn’t choose to do. He made the world, he holds it up, so he does what he wants with it and in it. It never falls apart. It always does what he plans for it to do all the time and all of it.

God’s Perfectly Wise Plan

I hope you’re asking — and it’s right to ask, if we ask humbly and ready to learn the answer from God — “Why is there a coronavirus, then? Why don’t you, God, Jesus, please take it away, since you could?” And that’s right; he could. He’s God. The coronavirus is not God. The coronavirus is not stronger than Jesus. Jesus could take it away just by snapping his finger. And the time will come when he has decided he will take it away. And it might happen overnight. We don’t know how it will happen.

So, why is it here? Why doesn’t he just take it away now? And the answer is this: because he has wise purposes for it. God is perfectly wise. That means he knows exactly what needs to be done to bring about what’s best for all time. That’s called wisdom. When you know what is best to do all the time, you’re a wise person. And God is perfect in wisdom. He knows what needs to be done: he knows how it needs to be done, and he knows when it needs to be done.

And since God is perfectly wise and knows everything — he knows way, way, way, way more than we know — everything he makes happen and everything he lets happen fits into a perfectly wise and good plan that he has. We can’t see all of it — all the plan. But we can see some of it. For example, let me give you some things that I can see and you can see in the Bible that God is planning to do with the coronavirus.

1. Jesus said in Luke 13:1–5 that things like the coronavirus happen so that people in the world who don’t believe in Jesus would wake up, and repent, and think about God and Jesus and heaven and hell and salvation and the need for forgiveness, and that they would turn to Jesus and be saved. That’s one thing he’s doing.

2. Paul said that things like the coronavirus happen so that people would stop trusting in themselves and trust God. Lots of people think — adults think, children think — that they’re way smarter than they are, way stronger than they are, way more in control. “I’m the captain of my soul.” Bologna! You’re not the captain of your soul; God is the captain of your soul. And that kind of pride needs to be brought down. If it needs to be brought down by coronavirus, God will do it. We have a lot of arrogant leaders in this world who need to be humbled, and if it takes the coronavirus to do it, God will do it. God wants us to know that he’s in control, and that we ought to trust him and not our own abilities or our own intelligence.

3. And the third thing that God is doing is this: the Bible says that things like the coronavirus happen to show us that we might be loving things more than we love God; we might be loving other people more than we love God. And there’s nothing in the world more important than loving Jesus more than we love ourselves or more than we love other people (Matthew 10:37–39). So, the coronavirus is showing people what they love most.

Our Savior Makes Us Brave

God is in charge of the coronavirus, and he knows what he’s doing, and he’s perfectly good and perfectly wise. And here’s the really good news we ought to want the whole world to hear. I hope you will share with your friends the news that Jesus, God’s only Son, came into the world and died so that God would never punish us if we trust him. He said that the punishment that you and I deserve because of our sin — that punishment was put on Jesus.

And if we trust Jesus — that is, if we receive Jesus, welcome Jesus as our Savior and our Guide and our Treasure, the one we really love — then we never have to be afraid of God. We never have to be afraid of God’s punishment ever. This is wonderful. That means we don’t ever have to be afraid to die — not from the coronavirus or anything else — because when Jesus died and rose from the dead, he changed death from punishment into a doorway to everlasting happiness with him.

So, what does this mean for you? What does it mean? You don’t have to be afraid of the coronavirus. God is stronger than the coronavirus, and if you trust his Son, Jesus, God will make everything turn out for your good. So, be brave. Don’t be brave because you’re strong; that’s called pride. All those TV superheroes, they’re all proud. They’re not basing their strength on God; they’re just basing it on stuff that they have inside of them. Don’t be like them because you’re not them and you’re not strong. You’re weak. Be brave because you have a great Savior. Your best friend, Jesus, your Savior and Lord, is strong — strong enough to make everything, including the coronavirus, turn out for your good (Romans 8:28).

Trust Him Always

I taught the kids in our church, when I was a pastor, a two-line poem. It’s especially for children who believe in Jesus. Hundreds of them said it over the years. Let me teach it to you, and we’ll be done. And I want to say it once, and then you say it with me the second time, okay? It goes like this:

When things don’t go the way they should,
God always makes them turn for good.

Maybe, kids, we’ll talk again later. I don’t know. But for now, trust Jesus no matter what. You’ll never be sorry.

That’s a great word, Pastor John. We do have an amazing opportunity to share the gospel with our classmates and friends in this season — if you have access to social media or texting or phone calling or video messaging, or maybe you can meet them face to face. We encourage you to reach out to your friends with the hope of Jesus. The time is right. May the Lord give you boldness and the right words to speak eternal truth into the lives of your friends during this season.



I Am Concerned About My Job And I Tend To Take My Frustration Out At Home, How Can I Better Handle My Stress And Fear? (Great Question-Will Someone Submit Their Story?)

"There's a place where fear has to face the God you know." Romans 15:13 (Kendra Pope - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)

Kendra Pope speaks about her son Judah’s experience with a medical condition called FIRE, and the impact that his diagnosis and journey took their family through. But through it all, the Pope family remained committed to their higher calling and work of God. Kendra and her husband tell each of their kids every night, “God is going to use you in mighty ways.” Despite their unimaginable suffering, the Popes stood strong in the Lord and remained committed to the hope and peace that abounds when you have the Holy Spirit in your heart and live according to His truth.

How To Fight For My Child’s Life! Isaiah 54:17, Exodus 15:26, 1 Peter 2:24 & Jeremiah 29:11 (Rudi Van Wyk – South Africa)

Two days before Good Friday in 2016 around 5 pm.  We went to visit friends who stayed in a townhouse complex not too far from our house.

We just got there, and the kids all went to play outside with bicycles and skateboards in the complex.  We actually said that they need to be careful.  We were there for 10 minutes and we heard the kids screaming.  I then told my wife I do not like it when they scream like that, you get affright.  The next moment our youngest came in running and said that someone drove over his brother. We then ran outside to check and found everyone from the complex there.  But it was evident who the person responsible was – the horror in his eyes…

He wanted to go out of the complex and his daughter came in, so they stopped next to each other and chatted.  My son, Donovan, went down the driveway with his skateboard. And he wanted to go to the left to miss the Ford Ranger and the skateboard flew him under the Ranger.  At that moment, the guy moved forward and stopped right on my son’s pelvic area.

I felt so bad as I picked my boy up and wanted to see if he could stand… We then rushed him to the hospital. On the way there he just said: “Daddy, pray for me” and he repeated: “Jesus help me”. He was 8 years old at that stage.  In the causalities area they took care of him and gave him painkillers.

There was a stage there that I became so ANGRY at the enemy for doing this and I told my wife that we are not accepting this. We are children of the Most High God, we belong to Him, we are anointed, highly favored.  We are not allowing this, and we declared war.  In that hospital room, we phoned a few strong spiritual people we knew to fight with us.  And then the war began where my wife and I just prayed, spoke life over him, and prayed in tongues.  The nurses probably thought we are crazy.  We also called the pastor who I was leading with in the Men’s Ministry. He was there in 5 minutes.

Now my son was taken for scans to check the damage and here is where miracle #1 happened. His pelvic bone was broken in 6 places – But get this – NONE of his organs were damaged in any way. Nothing.  The doctor said that that is not possible.  Haha – Luke 1:37

He was then transferred to another hospital in the ICU ward.  He was there for 2 days.  My wife and I agreed that we would not repeat anything the doctors said, we will not stand in agreement with the doctor but in agreement with the Lord and the Word.  The Lord will heal our boy in HIS time.

He went for a 7-hour operation on Good Friday. God told my wife that it is no coincidence that Donovan’s operation was on Good Friday – He said: “It was my son’s life for your son’s life.” The peace we experienced could only have come from GOD. He was back in ICU.  The doctor said that we need to prepare ourselves for 6 weeks in the hospital and 9-12 months for him to heal completely.  We rejected that and declared again that God would decide that.

Ministry friends of ours took our youngest when all of this happened to have him sorted out.  She did some trauma counseling with him as he saw it happen.  He then told her how he (Liam) saw Jesus under the Ford with his brother Donovan, and Jesus said: “everything will be okay”.

The Monday after the operation Donovan was still in ICU.  He woke up and said: “Mommy/Daddy, you know what, Jesus really has a big plan for my life,” We said very tearful “Of course”.  He said: “When I was under the Ford, Jesus was with me and He held my head not to go under the wheel. Our two boys said the same thing and they have not seen each other.  (WOW, I’m choking up as I type this).

The next day, Donovan was moved to a normal ward out of ICU.  He still had a lot of pain.  So much so that he was shivering of the pain. My wife talked to God standing next to Donovan’s bed – “Lord, I don’t blame you for this accident, I won’t even ask why just take his pain away because I can’t stand this.”  At this point, God answered: “I know what it feels like to see your son in so much pain.” The Holy Spirit instructed me to rebuke the pain.  I anointed Donovan and rebuked the pain and declared healing.  Donovan never had pain again as a result of this accident.  Till today.

That little boy was so determined to walk again. It was tough, it was hard.  He could go to the bathroom and had to wear nappies.  He was so embarrassed and did not want anyone else besides me or his mother to be with him.

It went well.  I remember the doctors said 6 weeks in hospital – 13 days after the operation – DONOVAN WALKED OUT OF THE HOSPITAL WITHOUT ASSISTANCE!!! Praise be to our LORD ALONE!!

Remember the doctors said that 9-12 months for recovery!  5 weeks after the accident I went to pick them up from school and I found Donovan playing rugby!! That is the Lord we serve!!!

There were many miracles as well with regards to finances and so on.  We are so grateful.  The Lord used Donovan to make a difference in so many lives.

The verses Rudi used as he clutched to his faith through this experience are:

Isaiah 54:17 

no weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and this is their vindication from me,” declares the LORD”
Exodus 15:26

He said, “If you listen carefully to the LORD your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the LORD, who heals you.”


1 Peter 2:24

“He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds, you have been healed.”


Jeremiah 29:11


For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.


To contact Rudi Van Wyk email

New story from “How can I be the spiritual rock for my family in a time of suffering when I have lost my job or experienced a substantial financial set back”? - Isaiah 43:1-4 (Gordon Walden -Vestavia Hills, Al)

Gordon discusses how we can exercise spiritual strength even in the midst of hardship through intentionally believing and trusting in God’s promises. He discusses his own situation that had him in financial difficulty, but through it all, he clung to God’s promises in Isaiah 43:1-4. By clinging to his faith and trusting God throughout his circumstance, he was able to be an example to his family, his boss, and others of the hope that comes from unshakable faith and trust in our savior. Our Redeemer lives!