Parental Authority And Discipline

How Can I Handle The "That's Not Fair" Statement? Proverbs 1 And 2 (Harry - Birmingham, Alabama)

Harry talks about leading our kids to find truth in God’s word. Harry used the Word of God to be the standard that helped determine what was right, just and fair in their family. Harry encouraged his kids to read their Bible and turn to God for direction. The world is not always fair, but we can love God and others in spite of the world’s unfairness. We can be lights in the darkness.





How Can I Stay Calm When My Children Talkback And Act Disrespectful? (Great Question- Will Someone Submit Their Story?)

How Do I Handle A Rebellious Teenager? (Great Question- Will Someone Submit Their Story?)

How Can I Stay Calm And Discipline My Kids Without Loosing My Temper? I Struggle With Raising My Voice, And Fear That I Sometimes Do More Damage Than Good In These Situations James 3:4 (Matt Mosley - Pell City, Al).

Matt reminds us of the importance of our words and demeanor when we react to our children. He speaks of the effectiveness of stepping back rather than reacting. He references James 3:4, which references ships being guided in the correct way. Our words can be as unwieldy as large ships if we are not faithful with our words and consider them before reacting. What a great example we can set for our children when we are wise with our words!


As Parents, How Do We Push Our Kids To Meet Their Fullest Potential Without Being Overly Pushy Or Consumed With This? (Great Question- Will Someone Submit Their Story?)

What's The Danger Of Wanting Well Behaved Kids? 1 Thessalonians 2:5-12 (Walter Moore, Enville, TN)

Walter Moore emphasizes the importance of encouraging our kids in a way that is motivated by love and not fear. Walter focuses on winning our children’s hearts for the Lord versus have a commanding dictatorship relationship with them. He ensures that we can still have rules and lead our kids, but we can do it with love at the center. Building lasting and loving relationships with the Godly kids we are raising is a very important work that has eternal value. 1 Thessalonians 2:5-12 helped Walter see how to love his kids with gentleness but still discipline them.