How To Be Patience With Our Children And How To Develop Patience In Our Children

How Can Patience Help You Receive Blessings Through Your Children? - Isaiah 11:6 (Jim - Birmingham, Alabama)

Fair Warning: Jim’s sweet story may bring tears to your eyes! He discusses how our
kids can actually be vessels of the Holy Spirit, and if we keep our hearts open and
available, there are so many lessons we can learn from their innocent ways. How refreshing to know that God can use even kids and all the various types to carry out His will.

How Can I Help My Children Develop The Discipline Of Deferred Gratification? (Great Question- Will Someone Submit Their Story?)

How To Help And Teach My Children To Give Thanks In All Circumstances? 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (Bill Flowers, Vestavia Hills, Alabama

Bill shares a story of how his daughter was bummed out after not playing well in her
golf tournament. He used the opportunity to encourage gratefulness, and together
they started discussing all the things that they were thankful for, for that day. Bill wanted to be intentional in teaching his daughter                          1 Thessalonians 5:18 which is “Be Thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus”. What a wonderful way to shift the focus of their hearts! He was able to explain to his daughter that it can be more difficult to be thankful when things do not go our way, but we are still called to find gratitude in all circumstances.