Question: Does each video submitted get vetted to make sure it’s scripturally accurate?

Yes, there is an advisory board made up of pastors and Christian leaders that vet each submission that’s submitted.

Question: When I submit a question, is this anonymous?

You can make the submission anonymous if you choose to by not entering your information or email address. Just enter your question and press submit.

Question: If I want to submit a response to a video, how can I do this?

At the end of each video or content submission there is the contact information for the content creator. You can directly contact this individual.

Question: If I have a question and there is not a category for the question, can I still submit?

Yes, if you ask a question that is not relevant under one of the categories, we can create a category for this.

Question: If I want to answer one of the questions asked or tell a story of how I have used scripture as the foundation to my parenting actions, how do I submit this?

Click on resource library tab, click on the orange box, click on the box to upload file or ask a question.

Question: Is Scripture Parenting affiliated with any church?

No, Scripture Parenting is not affiliated with any church or organization. Scripture Parenting is resource made up of the body of Christ for His Glory and His Purpose.

Question: What should the maximum time length be for each video or audio submission?

We ask that each video or audio submission be limited to 3 minutes or less. If the video is over this length, it tends to not get as many finishes.

Question: Can I use my iPhone and upload a video?

Yes, but a file on your iPhone needs to be under 3 ½ minutes. You can also upload your file to dropbox.com and upload the file that way as well if it’s longer than 3 minutes.

Question: Is there a format for each content submission?

We encourage each submission to focus on these three things in this order. 1) situation or question that’s being responded to. 2) The verse that was used and 3) How you apply or applied the verse.